鶹ӰԺnews room

鶹ӰԺnews releases privacy notice

Privacy Notice - Distribution of media releases 

By agreeing to receive our media releases, you confirm that you have read this statement and consent for your information to be processed and held by the SAMS, and to be used for all of the purposes described in this statement. 


How and why we use your data
We will use your data to share media releases about 鶹ӰԺnews with you. We aim to target our releases so you only receive releases relevant to you. 


What data we hold about you 
To share our media releases with you, we hold your name, email address and the name of any media outlets or organisations you work for. If a phone number has been provided as an alternative/supplementary means of communication, this will be stored for the intended purpose only.


How long will we keep your data? 
Your data will remain on our contact list for as long as you would like us to have it or until we believe it is no longer useful for you to receive our releases. 


Use of third parties to collect your data and communicate with you 
Your data will not be passed on without your permission to external organisations. SAMS does not sell any data to third party organisations. 


Our legal reasons for using your data are: 

  • >You have given consent for the use
  • >Use is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by us


The legitimate interest
Our processing is undertaken under the legitimate interest of journalists and stakeholders. It is important for 鶹ӰԺto keep its stakeholders informed of key developments and to welcome dialogue around them. One of the ways we achieve this is by sharing media releases with our stakeholders. It is likely that stakeholders and journalists would reasonably expect to receive our media releases. 


Your rights:  Data subjects have the following rights: 

  • >The right to access your personal data
  • >The right to rectification if the personal data we hold about you is incorrect
  • >The right to restrict processing of your personal data


The following rights apply only in certain circumstances:

  • >The right to withdraw consent at any time if consent is our lawful basis for processing your data
  • >The right to object to our processing of your personal data
  • >The right to request erasure (deletion) of your personal data
  • >The right to data portability

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office about our handling of your data. 

If you have any questions about the use of your data or wish to receive a copy of it, update it or to request changes in the way it is used, please email communications@sams.ac.uk 

The Data Controller of the information is the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS), Scottish Marine Institute, Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA. For any queries or concerns about how your personal data is being processed, you can contact the Data Privacy Manager at DPE@sams.ac.uk